2021-02-28 21:24:15
Peace family! Today was suppose to be a rest day, but I ended up working out. Fitness isn't an end goal, it's truly a lifelong journey <3 For me, it's a way of saying "I love you" to myself...
I hope you guys are also smashing this challenge & building a happier & healthier you!
Rasheedah Martin: I agreed! It makes you feel sooo good!
2021-02-26 21:12:21
Hey honey's hope you all are doing well! Day 5 completed! Now shower & a movie with my daughter :) See y'all tomorrow!
2021-02-24 21:12:55
Peace fit fam. Just got home from work and to my surprise Day 3 is a rest day! Look at God lol. I was extremely fatigued and was mentally preparing myself on my way home to do this workout... But I am soo grateful it's a rest day! So see y'all tomorrow. Same bat cave, same bat time lol!
Clarisa Ortiz: Good for you!. God is good!!
2021-02-23 16:10:36
Peace fit fam! Day 2 down, 26 more to go! I'm super proud of myself for completing Day 2. I try not to look at working out as a chore but as a time to reflect, and reposition myself for the world. I'm not sure about you all, but transcending 2021 is all MENTAL! Strong mind state will create a strong body... Good job to those of us pushing through disturbances and breezing by distractions. And good luck to those who seek and go after change!
S Hall: Facts!
Diamond A'Shari: Indeed! Thanks love
2021-02-22 18:29:45
Just sharing my Day 1 pic! And will upload another on Day 28! :)
Ravenna Martinez: I’m trying to look like your day 1 pic! You look great
2021-02-22 18:12:54
Ok ok I was not expecting that! INTERMEDIATE is a BEAST LOL! OMG! Those DIGS & those TRIPLE CRUNCHES ain't no joke! But man it feels so great to complete all 4 rounds of day 1! For me, this is my way of showing self love. I homeschool 3 children, and work so working out is how I cope with all of it! Fitness has been apart of my life since 2013-2014 and I've learned to look at it as "me time".
Just because I'm a mom of a 16, 9 & 5 yo does not mean I have to look like one lol. *no shade to anyone*... But thank you to the creators of this program, we needed this in our community!
Looking forward to day 2 tomorrow. Good luck to everyone on this challenge, LET'S GOOOOOOOO!
2021-02-15 12:43:33
Peace to everyone! I just signed up today (trying the one month first to see how I like it.) I’m coming from “Beachbody” & I’m super burnt out with them lol! Plus I’m loving that this company is owned by our indigenous brother ✊