2021-05-30 10:28:23
Day 26 and Day 28 done today. Had to catch up. For day 26 I did Intermediate, 4 reps, and lower body blast for day 28, 4 reps. Yeahhhh the month is done and I am ready for June's challenge.
Tammie Wells: Congratulations that's great!
2021-05-27 09:00:30
Day 25 done! Reps and sets booty burn and lower body blast. We are almost there guys. Let's go!
2021-05-26 10:07:12
Day 22 and 24 done today. I mist day 22 and did my lower body blast first to make up for that. Then I did today's day 24, with Reps and sets booty burn. I'm all caught up now!!!!! Yes lord
2021-05-25 10:42:42
Day 23 all done!
2021-05-22 09:54:45
Day 20 lower body blast and abs.
Phyllis Martin: 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
2021-05-21 10:04:25
Day 19 complete. Some lower body blast and ab workout. I am so ready for the summer. Toronto is still on lockdown! OMG! Since last year! Help us Lord!!!
2021-05-20 09:23:42
Day 18 done!!!!!
2021-05-18 09:22:24
Day 16 all done! Intermediate and lower body blast. Feeling amazing.
2021-05-17 08:54:31
Day 15 done! Let's go guys!!!!
2021-05-16 21:54:08
Day 14 done!