2021-03-10 20:00:15
Y'all talking about how day 15 got y'all feeling lol I'm nervous to start it lol! But It has to be done! Day 15 let's get it!
2021-03-08 19:30:44
Been gone for two days.....oops but I'm back at it pick up where I left off! Day 12
Jill Vega: yesss yesss !!!
2021-03-04 20:42:39
I looked at this app a few times before I started day 11 a sista is tiiiiired today! But I worked out and no stretches I'm just ready to shower and pass out! Have a gn y'all! Keep pushing everyone we got this!
2021-03-04 20:06:19
I guess I'm part of the evening crew now my oldest likes doing x28 with me so evenings it is..... So day11 let's get into it right quick lol!
2021-03-03 21:05:43
My arms on fire...... Idk what it is about day 10 but they Def didn't come to play! Have a gn!
2021-03-03 20:21:27
Day 10(looking eyes) lol! Whew... It's that time ig! Let's get it!
2021-03-02 21:12:13
Day 9 let's get it!
2021-03-01 20:27:10
I'm normally a morning person but I'ma get this day 8 in tonight!!! Let's get it!!!