2021-11-26 20:51:50
Day 16 done. I'm still going on this one, albeit behind....
Monday is the new month!
Britney Durham : What do u have to eat ?
Dawn B: Hi Britney! I try to eat as clean as possible. Mostly chicken and tuna, all veggies, minimal fruit and I watch carb intake (I try to eat only naturally occurring carbs, so think potatoes), but I am NOT Keto. Also, and most importantly - - no more than 24g of sugar per day.
2021-11-18 18:36:55
Day 15 done!
2021-11-14 23:15:25
Day 14 Xtreme done!
2021-11-11 21:25:02
Does anyone else find it weird that we can't comment on comments in posts...or @ a person to respond, at the very least? Maybe I missed something lol
2021-11-11 21:21:25
Day 12 done!
2021-11-09 23:02:27
So, I didnt work out yesterday. Mentally/physically I wasn't there. Stressed out/unhappy because of my current job plus stressed about finding another one and was just tired. So I listened to my body and did Day 11 today...which proved to be very successful.
Hope everyone is hanging in there!
And remember if you need a mental health day in the form of rest/a break from working out - take it. Just eat clean like normal and you'll be fine. <3
Marjorie Toliver: I had this experience yesterday and the same situation. Trying to get back in my groove today.
Natasha Andrews: I’m glad you both decided to get it done today! We have days like that, it’s ok. Take a rest, & monster it the next day. And I love the part where you said “I listened to my body”… That is key! But be sure it’s your body talking, & not your mind creating “excuses”… We did it guys!
Dawn B: Really loved reading these 2 comments! It definitely happens and I'm glad we are all pushing through!
2021-11-07 23:56:39
Day 10 done!
2021-11-06 23:59:51
Late night workout, but got Day 9 done before midnight!
Daana Nelson: Blockhead hvvvhjsh good &
2021-11-05 23:06:44
Day 8 done. This 'life' week was too much. I'm behind, but still kept up with eating clean!

Hope everyone is doing alright! :)
2021-11-01 23:20:06
Day behind, as my weekend was busier than I expected (as I'm sure a lot of people encountered because of Halloween). Day 8 Xtreme done. Those burpees are killer, but I pushed through cuz I know they'll pay off.
Dawn B: Day 6*