2021-06-11 14:43:35
Day 5 done, with some upper body!
2021-06-10 14:10:55
Day 4 in the books!
2021-05-09 18:49:03
Got to do Day 6 today! Feeling really good about continuing this time around.
2021-05-07 17:05:33
Day 5 complete , phew!
2021-05-03 16:32:50
Just completed Day 1 intermediate and boy did that feel like Xtreme!
2021-02-16 14:54:51
Day 1, complete - good reminder of what I need to do to get back to where I was a couple months ago! Let’s go!
Nicole Johnson: Good afternoon can u please tell me where can I find the 7day challenge
Eureka Cheema: Click on your subscription in the blue box x
Sarah Gregory: sorry for the delay, yes click on all access subscription, were you able to find it Nicole?