2021-02-21 17:34:05
How did y'all do this week? I'm feeling good. I missed one day : ( but I still made it through!
2021-02-21 17:27:53
Medley challenge complete! Great warm-up this week. Excited for tomorrow's drop!
Lorraine Wargo: Nice job
2021-02-20 10:04:52
Just started my progress tracker. Excited to start seeing results because I already feel the burn!
2021-02-17 22:24:28
My 4yr old did day 3 with me : ) we had some fun!!
2021-02-15 23:42:21
After two babies I'm ready to get my body back!!! So excited for this new journey I chose to take. Y'all ready to get it?
Kimberley Walkin: Ready!!!
Rasheedah Martin: Yessss! I'm ready too!