2023-07-31 09:17:04
Day 1 extreme and 1000 jump ropes done!
Team X28 : Day 1 ✅! Great Job!
2023-07-01 09:49:48
Hi team.. Feeling discouraged and frustrated today. I know we shouldn’t focus on the scale and more so how we look and feel.. I’ve worked out everyday last month from 6am-8am and drank 8 bottles of water a day. Always meal prepping and trying to be conscience of what I eat.. I stepped on the scale today and lost absolutely no weight.. I’m going to keep going but sometimes it really feels like you put in so much work and don’t see any results…
Team X28 : Hi Niecy, I understand how frustrating it can be when we don't see immediate results on the scale. Remember, progress is not always reflected in numbers alone. Focus on how you feel, the positive changes in your body, and the healthy habits you've built. Keep pushing forward, stay consistent, and trust that your hard work will pay off. You're doing amazing, and I'm proud of how far you have made it!
Niecy Castillo: Thank you so much! I will definitely keep pushing forward!