2022-01-31 10:17:09
day 22 complete!
Team X28 : Great work πŸ”₯πŸ’ͺ🏽
2022-01-27 09:50:50
day 20 complete almost there staying motivated!
Konfena Simpson : You got this and oh how sweet it will be when you cross the finish line 🏁! Go! Go! Go! πŸ’ͺ🏾
Team X28 : We know it’s not easy but you got this keep pushing πŸ”₯πŸ’ͺ🏽
2022-01-25 10:11:34
day 19 complete i was sick for a few days back at it full force!!!
Team X28 : Hey @Marquita sorry to hear that you weren’t feeling well glad to hear your feeling better .. LET’S GET IT πŸ”₯πŸ’ͺ🏽
2022-01-21 10:48:46
day 18 complete i think something went wrong tho i only had 2 rounds today but i did extra work out
Team X28 : We apologize for the inconvenience it was a glitch in our system. Please contact customer service for assistance contact@x28fitness.com
2022-01-19 16:32:47
day 16 complete feeling good today!
Team X28 : Dope great job keep pushing πŸ”₯πŸ’ͺ🏽
2022-01-18 09:11:03
day 15 complete pushed thru birthday workout today!!!!
Cherice Hollinquest: Happy Birthday🎁
Jayla Lane : Happy birthday πŸŽ‚
Team X28 : Great it girl !! Happy Birthday πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽ‰
2022-01-16 13:34:34
day 14 done this was not a good day for me round three started feeling dizzy so i stopped then completed round 4. i gotta keep telling myself to push!
Sawanna Mack: You can do it sis, keep pushing and remember you purpose
Marquita Eason: I'm trying thank u!
2022-01-14 10:50:39
day 12 complete!!! yall just dont know how proud of myself i am because i am a exercise quitter and i am done with day 12 im really pushing myself im tired of not feeling confident in my clothes or trying to dress in baggy clothes like a boy!
Team X28 : We are so proud of you for how committed you are to achieving your goals. Hard work and dedication will pay off great work keep pushing πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ”₯
2022-01-13 09:27:52
day 11 complete feeling good but tired staying positive and motivated!!!!
Team X28 : Great work today sis keep pushing πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ”₯
2022-01-12 09:48:53
day 10 done round 3 and 4 kicked my butt today but i pushed through it!!!
Mixela Brayant: Feels good when you get thru it. Keep going βœ…
Team X28 : You got this sis great job today keep pushing πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ”₯‼️