2021-02-28 05:24:43
I was so tired I’m competing my rounds now
2021-02-27 11:49:58
8 minute abs done later I’ll do my 4 rounds have a great Saturday everyone
2021-02-26 21:50:48
Listen I have done all 4 rounds plus 8 minute abs I’m proud of myself the moves were not perfect because of the fat accumulated in my belly but shit I did it yall I motivated myself on this day
Jasmine Atkins: Thank youuu omg time for relaxation I deserve it on this Friday lol
Rasheedah Martin: You betta crush them goals girl!! Keep up the great work!
Jasmine Atkins: Thank you
2021-02-26 08:26:06
Starting my morning with 8 minute abs
2021-02-25 21:09:52
Day 4 done my WiFi was going no in and out but I kept going and did what I could I feel good
Clarisa Ortiz: Good job!. Don't let any obstacle get in the way of your workout!..
Rasheedah Martin: Great job pushing through!
2021-02-25 00:28:47
No lie I’m happy it was rest days I was so weak yesterday smh let’s see what day four do
2021-02-23 22:24:41
Day I’m be photo I forgot smh and day two done
2021-02-22 21:26:45
Y’all day one is such a struggle omg I’m sad I can’t finish this shot smh but I know I’ll get better
Doctor Dee : Girl I thought I was going to stop but keep going just keep going that plank shiiiit I was able to one rep the last one I was able to keep in position but will get better!!! Let get it!!!
Rasheedah Martin: You WILL get it better. It does get easier! Take your time...don't talk yourself out of something you know you want!
Jasmine Atkins: Your right yesterday the struggle was bad I had a very hard time controlling my breathing, that made me sad
2021-02-22 18:37:08
It has been so long sense I have done a x28 challenge omg I’ll be fasting while doing this challenge.
Ashely Marie Little: I’m in a detox now. I’m following the strict meal plan
2021-02-22 18:36:48
It has been so long sense I have done a x28 challenge omg
Tomika Johnson: Me too. Joseline was doing the workouts