2021-02-27 07:01:28
So upset I missed yesterday. I don't know what to do. Do I skip the next rest day or do two days today?
Maya F: I would try and do 2 today.. one now and one later
Phyllis Martin: Don’t be hard on yourself. Do what you think your body can handle. The challenge is usually available for 35 days so you will have time to complete the challenge if you only do one workout today.
Coop: 1. If you want to double up, go for it. 2. Do today's workout and make up the missed the day at the end. 3.You got this.
2021-02-22 10:07:48
Day 1 complete...was a struggle but I made it!
Rasheedah Martin: Great job pushing through!
S Hall: Are we suppose to do the rounds back 2 back?
2021-02-21 11:34:30
I'm ready!