2021-10-29 13:02:08
Day 5 down
2021-10-26 23:55:31
Day 2 done and was happy when I seen day 3✌🏽
2021-10-26 02:34:46
Day 1 complete after midnight... I have a date with Day 2 later!
2021-10-24 23:56:26
I'm not ready but I will be!
2021-10-18 00:30:55
Day 28 complete.......YES
2021-10-12 23:29:19
Day 23 missing a cool down but I have it memorized
2021-10-12 00:15:58
I'm still here Day 22 zzzzzz
2021-10-06 00:01:08
I'm so happy tomorrow is a rest day but I can hear my old trainer saying Monique fat don't have rest days! So I'll do something productive.