2021-09-25 17:13:43
I’m starting day 6 now. I got a hellaaaaa late start today (my girls had to cheer at football games this morning) and I hate evening workouts 🥴🥴😩 but I’m still pressing play! See you all in 28min! 💪🏾
2021-09-24 07:42:26
Day 5 done! And I even had my baby girl as my “trainer” this morning lol
2021-09-23 08:23:20
Good morning X28 fam! Day 4 Intermediate complete . Now moving on to 8min abs and imma see what these arm circuits are hitting for. Let’s get it done! 💪🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Reneé McGill : You go girl 💪🏽
2021-09-20 09:55:43
I’ve bought so many challenges and have yet to complete ONE. I’m determined to finish this month’s challenge ALL 28 DAYS and then some! The goal is to lost 11lbs this month, minimum. I want to keep going until the workouts roll over into the new year and by then my mind will have gotten itself together that this is a lifestyle now lol. Y’all pray for my commitment and motivation!!!!
Latoya McFadden: You can do it!! Keep pushing..
Felicia Payton: You got this! We are all here with you!