2021-07-29 13:20:15
Day work-out is done ✔ lol..I am a little behind due to vacation. Gotta figure out how to do vacation and stay on track. The sweat was real today! Have a great day!
2021-07-28 21:05:02
Intermediate ✔ done! Catching up! Didn't feel right without it! X28!
2021-07-15 20:16:53
It was tuff...but Day 4 is done ✔
2021-07-13 12:37:37
Very Good Day!! Day 2 is done ✔feeling great! Keep up the good work!
2021-07-13 07:40:35
Good morning X28 fam! Forgot to post yesterday🤯Day 1 done✔. New music alert 📢 lol..let's get it!
2021-07-06 05:00:08
Day 25 and 26 done 💃💃💃feeling great!
2021-07-03 04:48:05
Good morning 🌄 Day 24 is done ✔ done🦿🦾😅definitely seeing a change! Have a very good Saturday!