2023-02-28 00:13:11
I was sick and couldn't have exercised but im back lol!!! I gotta catch up.. Day 16 was done six days ago along with day 15. I just finished Day 18 and Day 22 tonight!!!
Team X28 : Keep Going!💪🏽
2023-02-22 00:08:29
Day 15
Team X28 : Great Job!
2023-02-19 22:16:49
Day 14 ✅
Team X28 : Done!
2023-02-17 22:56:37
Finished Day 11 last night I was too tired to post!! I just finished Day 12 staying 💪🏽 is must!!! Tired of excuses!!
Team X28 : Great job on finishing Day 11 and 12! It's okay to feel tired or have setbacks, but the fact that you keep pushing and making progress is what matters. Keep up the hard work 🔥🔥🔥🔥
2023-02-15 23:51:55
Day 10 ✅ Im so focused & determined 💪🏾
Team X28 : Great job on completing Day 10. Keep up the good work 💪🏾
2023-02-15 00:51:08
Day 9 done 🙌🏽
Team X28 : Great job on completing Day 9! Keep up the hard work and dedication, and you will continue to see progress towards your fitness goals. 🔥🔥
2023-02-13 22:29:39
Day 8 done!!!
Team X28 : KEEP GOING !🔥🔥💪🏽
2023-02-11 23:14:01
Day 6 done staying consistent 💪🏽
Team X28 : Awesome, keep it up! 🔥 Staying consistent pays off! 💪
2023-02-10 19:55:26
Day 5 done 💪🏽
Team X28 : It's Go time!! 🔥🔥💪🏽
2023-02-09 23:27:52
Day 4 done 💪🏽
Team X28 : No pain No gain!💪🏽💪🏽🔥🔥