2021-05-10 23:15:54
My son waited up for me to get home from work and did 3 rounds plus the cool down with me... I love him so much 🥰🥰
2021-05-06 21:57:48
Just finished Day 4 beginner. Don't know why but I could barely make it three today's workout. Better luck for me tomorrow
2021-05-06 07:36:34
Good Morning x28 fam. I have a serious question. Under the nutrition guide are we supposed to eat everything listed under Breakfast, lunch, etc? Or can we pick and choose from the options?
2021-05-05 22:05:03
So I'm thinking about starting 8 min abs as of tomorrow. I feel like that would help me more to reach my goal.
Dominique Barlow: I'm going to try it out too! My stomach is my most problem area.
2021-05-06 04:42:41
2021-05-04 08:08:22
Day 2 of beginners complete! Thinking about starting the 8 min abs as well today.
2021-05-04 06:34:29
So I'm up getting ready to do Day 2 of beginners and I feel all of yesterday's work in my core and legs. Help me because I want to get back in bed 😫😫. But I need to lose this muffin top so I'll push thru
2021-05-03 21:49:09
So where do you guys get affordable workout clothes? I need some ASAP
2021-05-03 07:38:04
So how do you alter the meal plans if you don't eat what's on there or you're allergic?
Fatma Abdelbaki: You check the general meal guide and look for something with similar caloric/nutritional value
2021-05-03 13:08:38
2021-05-03 07:35:59
Day 1 down in the beginners. Those oblique twist and planks are a killer. Anybody else sweating their life away on Day 1?
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