2021-03-30 16:27:43
Has anyone done the 8min abs in beginner? Im curious to know what it's like????
Roneisha Evans: Thank you. I will do 1 tonight.. And see u the 4th... lifetime FINE HERE.I COME 🤣🤣🤣
Sinead Proctor : Yes lifetime fine lol
Roneisha Evans: So I didn't do abs last night.. Just finished them intense isn't the word 😳😳😳😳. It's good but oh myyyyy
2021-03-30 16:23:17
DAY 2 👇 on beginner. Yikes I am hurting in place I didnt know could hurt.. 🤣🤣. We can do this...
Makeyta Moore: I may do it later today, if so I’ll let you know. The main work out got my stomach like 🥵 lol
2021-03-29 14:10:56
Day 1 Beginner done.. Yesssss I'm tired af. BUT I FEEEEEEEEEL GOOOOOOD DUN NUN NUN NUN NUN NUN NUN 🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣👌🏾
2021-03-26 21:16:22