2021-05-16 20:46:13
Day 14 completed 👍🏽
2021-05-11 03:13:55
Day 8 completed 🤦🏽‍♀️😩tired going to bed
2021-05-07 16:10:39
Day 5 completed 💪🏾
2021-05-03 09:11:30
Good morning everyone quick question, is it better to eat breakfast after working out or before?
Dayshawn Nellon: I tend to eat after. I can’t eat before. But if you do I advice doing maybe a bananas and wait 20 min to digest and have your meal after.
Laneya Berkley: Thank you
2021-05-02 21:47:26
Lord let 3rd time be a charm I have to get it together good luck everyone
Kristy Mosby: Me too!!!
Nichole Armstrong : You have done this program 3 times?