2023-03-06 19:25:51
Thank you so much to X28❣️ I completed the month of Feb. challenge. The results are in🪘 I started at 204lbs I’m now 196lbs. I am mos def addicted to the challenges now, so I’m looking forward to March X28 and losing 10 more pounds! I am very hard on myself so I chose not to eat meat for the month of February very low carbs & low sugar, unless it was dark chocolate and I know it’s gonna take a while to get to my desired weight, but it’s nice to see a change & have others around compliment on my weight loss.Being able to work out in the raw in the comfort of my own home and get these type of results is amazing & priceless! Although, I completed the intermediate level Feb. month, I’m going for the beginner level with the addition of the eight abs this challenge. Let’s see if I can get through March with better cleaner eating habits, still no meat and a much smaller waste. Let’s get it !💪🏾🔝#stayconsistent #beencouraged
Team X28 : Wow, congratulations on completing the February challenge and achieving such fantastic results! We are so happy to hear that you enjoyed the challenge!!!!💪🏽💪🏽 We appreciate your commitment to your health and wellness journey, and we are excited to support you on your continued progress in March.✊🏽 We're thrilled that you're enjoying working out in the comfort of your own home and seeing amazing results. Keep up the amazing work, stay consistent, and be encouraged! 💪🏾🔝 #stayconsistent #beencouraged
2023-02-20 20:27:25
Hey everyone I started the 28 day Feb. challenge my first time doing something like this & today I honestly can see a difference! It’s been about 12 days in for me and it has been a struggle. I was sick when it first began yet I powered through I’m also a single mommy of 6 beautiful children launching a new business sooooo here goes some pics! I’ve been doing the intermediate challenge & it’s kicking my a$$ however I love hearing the motivation dialogue while getting through the 4 increments. I’ve also been eating clean for this month no meat just occasionally seafood with lots of raw veggies & fruit!
Fatimah Bey: @Betty I appreciate you because every word you said is exactly how I feel! Congrats on becoming Xtreme those are goals! @TeamX28 Thank you its now Day 16 & I feel my stamina has mos def picked up really considering continuing to another challenge!
Betty Johnson: Yes!! Let’s go for the next challenge. It’s too cheap not to. I love it.
Fatimah Bey: Exactly & already locked in for the next challenge!