2021-03-29 23:18:33
I couldn’t do it , maybe tomorrow will be better
Makeyta Moore: You can do it, modify if you are having a hard time just remember don’t give up you got this🤗
2021-03-29 16:39:59
I cooluldnt do it 😢
Tyra S: Don’t give up! Keeping trying and remember your why. You got this!
2021-03-29 10:25:02
Should I eat before or after I complete day 1?
Natasha Corbitt: It's up to your body. Some eat before and some eat afterwards.
2021-03-28 20:34:56
What time will videos drop
Coop: Check after midnight
Amber Harris: Should I start before of after I eat
Amber Harris: And are the tutorials all the exercises we will be doing through the 28 days